For most Americans, buying a car is a significant goal in life. That’s because in most cities in the United States, a car is a necessity to get anywhere. However, most people in Seoul get by without one, and frankly, for most people, it’s just an extra expense one can live without. Think about all the expenses that come with owning a vehicle, from the price of the car itself to insurance, gas, maintenance and parking. These accumulated expenses can use up a huge chunk of your income.
There are many forms of transportation in South Korea. This includes airplanes, ferries, special buses and trains for long distance travel as well as the subway, taxis and buses for regular commutes. In this field note, I want to focus on the bus and subway system since I use them every day, and you might, too, when you get the chance to visit this charming country.
Wherever you want to go within South Korea, I assure you that about 95% of the time there would be a subway and bus combination to take you. The city buses are classified by color dependent UPON their route, while express buses take you to a particular destination. Bus stops have names and code numbers so you can search them online and see which buses stop there along with real-time arrival times.