You can't drink the tap water, and we only get running water in town every other day, so I have to wait a day to do laundry or anything else that needs water. It really makes you see water in a whole new light. Here's a tip: don't leave the water running while you're brushing your teeth!
Did you guess the national bird before I spoiled it? You got it right! The local currency is named after the national bird, the quetzal!
My host family prepared an impressive amount of tamales for the New Year's celebrations, and we're still enjoying them! The delicious Guatemalan tamale is made of masa (corn dough), meat (usually chicken or pork) and a recado sauce (a sauce made from a blend of spices and tomatoes) wrapped in large banana leaves. The dough, known as masa, is made from dried corn ground into a fine flour and mixed with water. Tamales are probably one of my favorite dishes here in Guatemala!
Marimba music was heard throughout town this week. The marimba, Guatemala's national instrument, is a grand xylophone-like instrument with wooden keys. During the Guatemalan Civil War (1960-1996), the government banned Indigenous music gatherings, and people were not able to enjoy the sounds of this instrument. Today, however, marimba is a vibrant part of many celebrations across Guatemala, including parties, birthdays, weddings and other special occasions. The Marimba stands as a proud symbol of Guatemalan national identity, pride and resistance.