This time of year, the weather can't seem to make up its mind. One minute it's hot, the next it's cold. This week, the mornings and late nights have been doing their best impression of fall in New York. It's chilly and windy, and stepping outside without a cozy sweater is as risky as leaving the house without your homework.
You know it's a good day when you spot some animals outside, especially ones you're not used to seeing day to day. Just this week, as I was casually walking down the street, a man walked by with his herd of goats. Is that unusual around here? Not really, but for me, it was a real showstopper! As usual, I got my daily dose of street dogs and street cats and, despite my best efforts to avoid eye contact, I couldn't help but give a little love to one or two of them. Trying not to pet them is like trying not to breathe—impossible! Many street dogs have homes, but they simply adore hanging out outside instead of staying in all day. Take Abby, for instance!