I traveled an hour away from Suva in a car to visit the village, Nataleira.
To get from Philly to Fiji, I traveled 7,869 miles. The airplane flight to Fiji took 19 hours. It was long, but they do feed you and have movies for you to watch. On the island, I traveled three hours to the mountains to stay in a village called Namosi.
My home is very close to the college that I work with so I usually walk to work. When I want to go somewhere far, I take taxis or the bus. The taxi costs six Fijian dollars or $2.63 in U.S. dollars to go to downtown Suva, while the bus costs 1FJD which is 0.80 cents for us back home.
Going out to a village named Nataleira to work on a seagrass restoration project! The sand was the color black.