A Day with Jehanne

What language do you speak at school? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

I speak English at school and at home, and even though I can understand Spanish and Kriol, I always speak English. In Belize, it is good manners to greet someone with the time of day, so instead of "hello," we say, "Good morning/afternoon/evening!"

What are some common kids' names at your school?:

At my school, "Mia" is a common girls' name, and "Jose" is a common boys' name. I also have more than one friend named Sofia.

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

In school, we study math, English, science, religion (Catholicism), Belizean history, art, physical education and Spanish. My favorite subject is science, and we are learning about the solar system. My favorite planet is Jupiter because it is pretty, and I like the Red Spot.

What is your homework like?:

For homework, I always have a lot of math, and I study for my quizzes and tests. Sometimes, for homework, they ask us to bring in supplies for projects!

What do you like to do after school? Do you have a favorite sport or game?:

After school, I like to play at home with my little brother, Daniel, jump on the bed or play with my cousins at their house. Sometimes, I have football (soccer) practice after school, and playing on the field is my favorite.

Who is your favorite famous person?:

My favorite famous person is Kendrick Lamar. I like the way he dresses, and my older cousin plays his music for me.
