Goodbye for now!

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
10.823098900000, 106.629663800000
Journal Entry:

Fifth grade Ellie could never have imagined living for almost a year in Vietnam.  At that age, I had only left the country once (to go to Mexico) and I'm not even sure if I could have found Vietnam on a map. But here I am, ten months after moving to Vietnam, and I could not have imagined my life going any other way. As we end our Reach The World journey and you all finish your year of fifth grade, I want to leave you with the best piece of wisdom I've ever received. "If you can't beat fear, just do it scared." I can't remember where I first saw this quote, but it is an idea I've carried with me not just as I moved to Vietnam, but throughout my college experience, and I hope to continue to hold this message as I return to the United States. This quote is not about taking unnecessary risks but about pushing your comfort zone and being okay with discomfort, because it's how you learn. The unknown is scary, and leaving home is scary, but there is so much joy, excitement and knowledge to gain when you push your comfort zone. 

When I first moved to Vietnam in September 2023, I was scared, maybe the most scared I had been about anything. I cried a lot. I knew I would be away from home for longer than ever before. I knew I would be spending my first Christmas away from my family.
