Very far. Aside from my usual commute between Ramallah and Jerusalem, I also traveled to Jericho and Hebron this week. Jericho is about 45-minutes to an hour away from Ramallah depending on traffic. Hebron, on the other hand, is quite a bit farther, and the time depends on which route you are allowed to take. The route through the West Bank takes two or often more hours, which is what people with Palestinian license plates and green IDs without a permit to cross checkpoints must take. The other route from Ramallah to Hebron involves cutting across Jerusalem and is much more direct and takes only about one and a half hours. Due to my yellow license plate and a foreign passport, I get the privilege of taking the faster and easier route through Jerusalem. I now make this commute every Monday because I am teaching a new class in Hebron with a really great group of students who definitely make the commute worth it.
A lot! The Palestinian Territories and Israel are about the size of the state of New Jersey for reference. Since the start of my journey, I've traveled to major cities in both places such as Tel Aviv, Bethlehem, Jericho, Jerusalem, Ramallah, Hebron and Jenin; some cities more frequently than others. Also, since the start of my journey back in September, I've traveled to the U.S.