Jericho is located in the West Bank, so the same currencies are used as everywhere else. The three main currencies are the New Israeli Shekel, the Jordanian Dinar and the U.S. dollar. However, keep in mind that Jericho is the oldest city in the world so throughout history, they used to use the bartering system, where participants trade goods and services directly, along with other types of currency over time.
About five shekels, which is the same as everywhere else throughout the West Bank.
The absolutely freshly made vegetarian dish at the end of the food tour that I was on in Jericho. The whole point of the tour was to go around Jericho to learn about organic farming and other food initiatives in Jericho. We visited a small farm where we were hosted by the female farmer, we visited the first and only mushroom farm in the Palestinian Territories and we visited an organic dates farm, which is run by a female entrepreneur. Additionally, we went to the city center's vegetable market where all the farmers from the nearby area bring their harvests in the morning and sell them. We also got to freshly pick the veggies and greens that we used in our own meal.