Dr. Okello, my research mentor here in Mbarara, is my personal hero. He is someone who loves to teach, and I am glad to be one of his students. As a man of many skills, he practices internal medicine and has won many awards, grants and scholarships for his research. Dr. Okello is a very busy and private person, but I am glad that he takes the time to talk to me about his personal life.
My full name is Samson Okello.
I live in Mbarara, a big town in Southwestern Uganda, but I grew up in Soroti, a town in Eastern Uganda. I came to Mbarara for my medical school education and I stayed here after. I live in a three-bedroom apartment with my family.
I am married with three wonderful children: two boys and a girl. Jonathan is 12, Patricia is nine, and Johnny is four.
I get around in my car, a minivan. On days when I don’t drive, I use a motorcycle called boda boda to get around. It is the most common and fastest mode of transport here, especially when there is a lot of traffic.