Traditions are the customs and beliefs among a community that are passed from one generation to the other. Customs are widely accepted ways of behaving, specific to a community. Every community has its own set of customs and beliefs that are different from others. Traditions can span from an individual level to a national level. For example, anything you personally continue to do repeatedly can be considered a tradition. Families can also have their own traditions. For example, in my family, we have a "breakfast" party every January 1st. I’m sure you also have a tradition specific to your family. Can you think of any?
There are national traditions too. In the U.S., we celebrate Thanksgiving and Veteran’s Day, among other holidays. Other examples of traditions in the U.S. are Halloween, Independence Day, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Day, funerals, and marriages, just to name a few.
I had the opportunity to witness one of the most internationally practiced traditions: marriage. The concept of marriage is very different in various parts of the world. It is also specific to different ethnic groups. Here in Mbarara, I had the opportunity to witness a marriage ceremony among the people of Ankole which is a tribe in the southwestern region of Uganda.