When I saw a lion

It was still feeling sleepy at this time (7 p.m. is like early morning for lions since they are nocturnal). It raised its head when it heard the sound of our car. I quietly took pictures of it. I was so excited!  

Where does it live?:

Lions do not actually live in jungles. Their habitat is the open savannah, grassland, or open woodland. 

How does it use its environment to survive?:

Their habitat, the open savannah, enables them to hunt mammals such as antelopes, zebras, hippos, buffalos, and even non-mammals like crocodiles. When food is scarce, they may team up to catch larger prey such as elephants. In the Ugandan savannah where I saw the lion, they feed mainly on antelopes. There are a lot of Ugandan kobs (a type of antelope) that live in the open savannah, so they are the primary food source for lions.

What can harm this creature or plant? Are we worried about it?:

Young cubs (baby lions) are vulnerable to leopards and hyenas; however, the main concern to lions are humans. Many of these animals have been trapped, speared, poisoned, and shot by people. In Uganda, there is a community that lives near the Queen Elizabeth National Park, where I saw this animal and the people in the community are known to kill these lions. Due to this, the lion population has decreased and the remaining are migrating to new habitats. 

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