Hello, everyone! I'm sad that our journey together is coming to a close. However, I'm so glad I was able to join you and share my experiences in Japan. I'm curious. Did you enjoy learning about everything? Do you have a favorite part? I hope so! With everything going on in the world, I hope so much that I was able to pique your curiosity and spark an interest in traveling abroad. Before I go, there are a few things I want you to remember:
1) You can become whomever you want to become, no matter where you come from nor what you look like.
2) You can go wherever you want to go. Not even the sky is the limit. Believe in yourself and work towards your goal.
3) The only one who can stop you from accomplishing numbers 1 and 2 is yourself. Never let yourself or others tell you what you can't do.
Thanks again for inviting me to share my story with you! If you all want to learn more about my journey to Japan or any other Japanese related content, you can either follow me on YouTube at BrieXBrie, or just let your teacher know. I'm sure we could figure something out. Sayonara, minna-san! (Goodbye, everyone!)