Our News

What main languages are spoken here?:

The main langauge spoken here is a language many of you are probably familiar with, called Spanish! There are also many local indigenous groups, here, that speak other languages. One of these groups is called Mazahua, and their native langauge is Mazahua!

El primer idioma hablado aquí es un iodioma que muchos de ustedes probablamente están familiarizados, es llamado Español! Además de Español, hay muchos grupos indígenas en el área. Uno de estos grupos está llamado Mazahua y su idioma nativa es Mazahua!

What type of money is used here?:

In Mexico, they use the peso. One U.S. dollar is worth 18 pesos (wow!). 

En México, ellos usan los pesos. $1 dólar de los Estados Unidos vale 18 pesos (¡wow!)

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

One bottle of water costs about 15 pesos, which is about $0.82. 

Una botella de agua cuesta alrededor de 15 pesos que es más o menos $0.82 dólares.

What was the best meal this week?:

The best meal I had this week was undoubtedly red mole, which is a sauce made with dried chiles and chicken. Every family has their own unique recipe that tastes a little different but is equally delicious. 

El comida mejor que tuve fue, sin dudas, uno mole rojo. Que es una salsa hecho con chiles secos y pollo.
