Transportation methods can depend a lot on the area where one lives. For example, if someone lives in a busy, urban city, their transportation options will be a lot different than those for someone who lives in a small, rural town. Tlaxcala is a town of about 80,000 people. The downtown itself is walkable, but not the surrounding areas, which means that people have to use some sort of vehicle to move between the areas that are not located within the center of town. Also, because Tlaxcala is the capital of the state, people use transportation to come into town from other areas outside of the city.
Walking, bikes, cars, small buses and large buses (like coach buses) are all used as transportation methods in Tlaxcala. People typically walk while moving around their neighborhoods, such as running errands close to their homes. In my town, I have mainly noticed the use of bikes by some people who sell food. They have their materials attached to their bike and thus can more easily bring their business on the go. It's like a food truck that keeps moving! People who own cars use them as we do in the U.S. The small buses, called "combis", are definitely the most interesting method and are used to get around the areas outside of downtown or other nearby towns and cities.