It feels like yesterday when I wrote my first blog post. Time goes by so quickly when you're having fun!
As 2019 comes to an end, I'd like to take some time to reflect on my experiences in Amman so far. I've been here for over six months now and feel like I'm just brushing the surface when I think about what I've learned. In this time period, I've moved to a new country, started a new job, started to re-learn Arabic, made new friends, and kept in touch with the old. Next week I'll even get to see my parents and my sister as they will be traveling here over the Christmas holiday.
Since the last time we've spoken, I saw Coldplay in concert here (they performed their first-ever concert in Jordan!), hosted a Friendsgiving (friends + Thanksgiving = Friendsgiving) where 40+ of my friends came to my house for a potluck, and celebrated my 25th birthday. Even though I'm in a different place in both my professional and personal life than last year, I feel blessed for having a new journey in Jordan. While some people think that the 25th year of life equates to a "quarter-life crisis," this point in my life feels much more like a blessing than a crisis. I'm not sure where in the world I will be in June 2020 when my contract at Bayt.com finishes, but at this point, I feel at peace with the uncertainty.