During the first month at my new job at Bayt.com, there were probably about six to eight birthdays. I noticed quickly that birthdays are a big celebration in Jordan that are never missed. My office is no different!
During my time so far in Amman, birthdays have been a big deal. There is much preparation that goes into it like figuring out a point person who will coordinate money gathering for a collective present, finding a time to present the gift, getting a cake and singing "Happy Birthday." Most of the time my colleagues are in the office for birthdays, but sometimes if they want to celebrate with their family they will take the day off. When someone has a birthday, in Arabic you say "Kull 'aam wa anta (or "anti" if speaking to a girl) bi-khair", which in English means "may you be well throughout the year."
Birthdays are celebrated in Jordan similar to (if not with more emphasis than) the way people in Minnesota celebrate birthdays. The people of Jordan are known for being generous, caring and deeply involved in the lives of others. Any holiday, anniversary or event is a cause of celebration!