All of us have walked together on my journey for a little while, and just as the end of my time in Spain approaches, so too does a chance for you to start your own journey.
The world is a big place and at times a scary one. On this trip, I navigated flying alone for the first time, became lost in a city where I struggled to speak the language and missed my friends and family in the United States. I have faced both big and small challenges. But all of these have helped me grow and change. Although our time exploring the world together has come to an end, it is your turn now. So go out and explore! Apply to programs that push you out of your comfort zone, and take advantage of every single opportunity that comes your way. And if an opportunity does not fall into your lap, then go out and seize it! You are the author of your own story and it can say whatever you would like it to say. Aprovecha el día! (Seize the day!) And good luck!