Farewell, and My Three Favorite Volcano Facts

It can be hard to visualize these types of motion, so you can watch them happen here.  

Knowing a little bit about ship motion is very important if you get seasick, because some types of motion make people more sick than others. The up and down motions, the heave and pitch, are kind of like being on a rollercoaster. Tipping forward and backwards along the long part of the ship usually doesn't make people as sick. But tipping side to side on the short direction of the boat (when it rolls) is the kind of movement that tends to make people queasy. 

Our captain tries to turn the boat so waves hit us on the long direction. But sometimes when we are sailing from place to place, it's impossible to avoid some of the side-to-side rolling motion. That's when I take seasickness pills.

3. You can see worm poop in some types of sediments!

We've seen so many beautiful types of sediments and rocks inside the core samples we collected on our expedition, but I noticed one kind that has stripes. Those stripes are records of marine worms munching through one sediment layer and pooping it out as they move through another layer, making the stripes. 

We saw records of two types of worm. There was a thick pattern called a zoophycos fossil, made by bristle worms. We also saw a thinner fossil pattern called chondrites, which was made by smaller marine nematode worms.

Both are so cool looking, considering that they are made of poop! And if you read about my friend Ally who uses a special color chart, you might remember that sometimes she tastes the core samples to learn about them.
