Farewell, and My Three Favorite Volcano Facts

That means that Ally and her team of scientists sometimes eat worm poop! Don't worry, it is very old and can't hurt them. 

I didn't really know what to expect when I set out on this adventure. I was a little nervous that I wouldn't like living at sea, or that I wouldn't make any friends. And while I did miss everyone at home, I absolutely loved waking up to beautiful sunrises every day and feeling the cool salty air on my face while I drank my coffee. I made lots of friends that I'll stay in touch with. And I learned so much about volcanoes! 

And last (but not least), I've loved sharing this expedition with you. Thank you for all your great questions. If you are curious about the world around you and want to learn more, maybe someday soon YOU will be aboard the JOIDES Resolution, setting off on a voyage of discovery. When you do, I can't wait to follow you and see what you find. Thank you for joining me on this journey!
