Our Precious Rowing Boat

Being in a small boat on a seemingly limitless ocean can make us feel very small, but we also know that we have everything we need to not only survive in these extreme conditions, but also to accomplish something almost unimaginable. We hope to show you what it feels like to row HMS Oardacious in the Atlantic Ocean during the days ahead.

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

Rowing is very connected to the environment as you are moving very slowly and making as little waste as possible. We will be making electricity through highly sustainable means with our solar panel, and we have to make our water that we drink to stay alive. We’ll also be keeping our empty food packets so that we can recycle them we finish the race. Our next boat will be made of mostly recycled fiberglass so we are reducing our impact on the environment.

As submariners we are really aware of the environment. We have to act in a very similar way when we’re at sea, making our own water and electricity and trying to avoid putting anything out into the water that could show others we are there. Part of the perks of being a submariner is that we get to hear the wildlife nearby, such as whales singing and the dolphins clicking in the surrounding waters. This connection is so important that when we qualify for submarine duty, we are awarded a badge called “dolphins”. While rowing, we are able to not just hear, but also see, this wildlife. During the last race we saw whales and dolphins and I (Hugo) got hit by a flying fish when it jumped across the boat in the night and I couldn’t see it! We’re hoping to see more wildlife on this trip, and when we do, we will share photos with you all!
