Gangwon - Nature, Mountains, And Alpacas!

The dish is mixed and cooked at the table, which is equipped with a gas stove and a large round grill pan. Lastly, rice is mixed into the leftovers at the end to make fried rice.

To end the day trip off, we went to the Gangchon Rail Bikes, where we went on 4-seater bikes and biked on old railroad tracks while enjoying the beautiful scenery of farmland, mountains and flowing rivers, and passing all different interesting themed tunnels of disco lights and music. I learned after that it is the largest rail bike course in Korea, and it was a really great experience to have. 

Finally, it was time to return from the day trip. After another long trip on the bus, I was finally able to step back into Seoul. It was so fun being able to explore South Korea more beyond its capital, and this trip taught me to be more open to exploring and traveling more within South Korea. The day trip was tiring, but it was well worth it because I was able to try new things! Coming back, I held in my hand souvenirs from Alpaca World, and stickers from collecting all the stamps, but even more importantly, I made lots of memories and had new experiences. Seeing alpacas was definitely not on my bingo card for Korea, but I’m glad I can check it off now! After all, did you know that 99% of the world’s alpacas still live in South America? Who would've thought we'd be able to see the 1 percent!
