Travel News

The team is currently running workshops--or discussions--with community members to get their perspective on challenges they are facing. Since we would like to be as representative as possible, we are talking with people from all over the country. We travelled to a place called Ciudad del Este (which means 'City of the East' in Spanish) around Thanksgiving time. This was a five to six hour drive from where we are located in Asunción and is very close to Brazil. We actually went to Brazil for dinner when we visited this city! Another weekend we also went to another city called Encarnation. We organized a workshop there as well. Encarnation is right by the Argentinean border, and it has beatiful beaches along the river. It also takes about six to seven hours to drive to Encarnation from Asunción. These trips have been fun, and I really enjoy seeing other parts of the country. 

How did I get around this week?:

To get around the city, I have been walking and using Ubers! Uber just started in the country around April of last year, but the transportation app. has already become very popular. The public transportation system here is a bit hard to use since the bus routes can be hard to find. Therefore, I have been getting rides with people who also work on my team and also using Uber. Luckily, these rides are very cheap, and the drivers are all very nice. They are eager to learn more about what it is like to live in the United States, and we have fun converstaions in Spanish during the trip.

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

The most interesting place that I saw this week was the park that I visited with my friend. I really enjoyed seeing all of the nature there and enjoyed being outside.
