Every evening, my host mom's grandkids come over to do homework or play. The oldest one is Nala Li, who is seven years old, and the youngest one is Nala Co, who just turned five. They live not too far from me in East Legon, so it's easy for them to come and pay a visit. Sometimestheir mother Pearl even lets them sleep over. Nala Li loves to be in charge and enjoys showing me the dances she has learned and how well she can spell words. Nala Co never stops laughing. From the moment I walk in the door after school until the time I have to get ready for bed, she keeps on laughing. These two balls of energy attend the Cornerstone International School, where they are emersed into a world of science, art, math and language. They both take a great interest in school work and thrive on competition with one another. Despite growing up in a different country from all of you, their lives might reflect some similarities to yours!
“For breakfast grandma makes me bread with cocoa. I also drink milo because it gives me energy and makes me strong. Do you know what milo is? Cocoa with sugar! I like to have banku for lunch. Banku is dough with stew and it is so good. I really like chicken, too; it is my favorite food. For dinne, Grandma gives me salad with cucumbers because it is good for me.”