Bonjour! N'wa lè! Hello! My name is Janet. I am a Peace Corps Volunteer living in Togo, West Africa. I grew up in the United States and always dreamed of traveling. I learned French in high school and university. Learning a foreign language has been my key to travel to Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean. Togo is a little country but there are dozens of languages spoken here -- including French and Kabye, the two languages I greeted you in. As a Peace Corps Volunteer, I will live in Togo for two years, which means I have a lot of time to learn new languages, learn about Togolese culture, and make this place my home.
My work projects focus on sustainable agriculture and agriculture education. That means I help farmers learn new ways to grow more food, grow new types of food, and grow food in a way that is kind to the environment. I also teach students and adults about good nutrition and climate change. In my downtime, I like to spend time with my host family, go on walks in my village, paint, write, and read lots of books. I love to watch (and sometimes participate in) the dances, ceremonies, and other cultural events that occur throughout the year. I am excited to share my journey with all of you!
Peace Corps Volunteers like me live and work side by side with community members around the world, collaborating on locally prioritized projects, building relationships, exchanging cultures and knowledge, and helping transform lives for generations. Learn more by clicking here.