A Day in the Life of a Scientist in Germany!


This is the building that I work in...looks a bit scary on this cloudy day, but I promise that it's a wonderful place to work!
It is a tradition in my lab that people from different countries share their culture by serving breakfast; this was Ibai and Luna's Spanish breakfast!
These are the plates that the stem cells live in; every day I fill the plate with pink liquid which is their food that has everything in it that they need to survive!
This is the microscope I use every day to check how my cells are doing; today they are doing quite well!
This is a special box called an incubator where my stem cells live; they like it to be humid and warm-98 degrees Fahrenheit to be exact!
This is a special area where I work with the stem cells; it's important that I am super clean when I work so my cells don't get sick!
My coworker, Dori, using a special microscope that lets you see glowing cells. See the green light? That's a laser!
I got to use the special microscope that lets me see my glowing cells-look how beautiful they are!

