Mouse lemurs look like tiny mice! They are the smallest primates on Earth. Ring tailed lemurs, also known as the lemur catta, have a cat-like appearance with big eyes, pointy ears and long striped striking tails. Another fascinating creature is the Madagascar poison frog. These frogs are vividly colored with black, green, and orange markings on their backs. Their undersides are black with blue polka dots! Their bright coloration serves as a warning sign to predators to stay away. They are also small--about the size of a 50-cent coin.
I was very excited to see the leeches! It means the forest is healthy and that I’ll be able to do my proposed research! Even though I study leeches and love invertebrates, I always enjoy watching lemurs when I get the chance. I had heard about these frogs for a long time but it was extremely satisfying to finally see one in person!
Leeches live in the moist rainforest, typically in the understory or near water sources. Did you know that lemurs are only found in Madagascar? It's true! Bamboo lemurs rely on bamboo as their primary food source and are usually found in forests where bamboo is present. Ring tailed lemurs typically live in dry spiny forests but have been found in remote rainforest patches like the Lost Forest. The Madagascar poison frog is found exclusively in Madagacar. It inhabits moist forests throughout the island.