Hello! My name is Jessica, and I'm very excited to share with you my journey to a foreign country. Ireland is very far away from my hometown of Chuckey, Tennessee. Chuckey is located in the mountains and is home to a little over 9,000 people. The college I will be attending in Ireland is called the University of Limerick. The number of students there is more than double the number of people in my hometown! I'm really looking forward to meeting all kinds of new people, and the best part is that I get to introduce you to a few as well.
In Tennessee, I am also a school bus driver. Many of you ride the bus every day, to and from school. It is our job to make sure you get there safely. I love my job and all my kiddos I get to know along the way. I also have two young boys, Cody and Colt, and a bulldog named Groot. Everything I do is for my little family. Getting an education in Ireland will also help my family. Here, I am studying for a degree in physical education.
So without further delay, I hope you're ready for an adventure! This is going to be fun!