Greetings from Japan!

Their stories led to my love of traveling and learning about different cultures through their own experiences from the past. I would also spend a lot of my childhood eating all sorts of food from different cultures and places, whether that be going to a new restaurant, going to the local food market or even going over to a friend's house to try out their household meals. Because of this, it inspired me travel one day myself and explore different cultures in different cities and towns around the world!

Being able to go abroad and study in Tokyo, Japan lets me have the opportunity to both explore the country and also to learn about the different cultures of Japan directly! I was able to take part in this study abroad program thanks to the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program, which is a scholarship program that allows students the chance to study and travel to another country! Here in Japan, I hope to explore as many places as I can and immerse myself in the culture, food and customs of this country. I am very excited to tell everyone about my time and journey in Japan, and I hope to learn more about the life and cultures in your own lives as well! Until next time, またね (Matane / see you later!).
