Sometimes we have homework on the weekends, but not always. Last weekend we had to have our parents help us learn about where rain comes from so I could tell everyone at school.
Soccer is my favorite! I also like playing Sharks (similar to tag, but the person who is "it" is a shark). I like to draw too.
The Avengers!!! My favorite is Ironman. I really like Catboy too (from PJ Masks, popular cartoon).
I like the music from Minions and Moana.
I want to be a superhero! Or a taxi driver! Or maybe a police officer.
I want to go to the United States! We learn a lot about it because we have English teachers in all of our classes. They have earthquakes too! And redwood trees. We made a playdough redwood tree yesterday.
They have lots of earthquakes and tornados too! We had a bunch of food from different countries and the USA had peanut butter cookies...we don't have those here. Why would you make a cookie with peanuts?? but I liked them.