Follow along with us as we talk to Martina. Martina is 5 and a ball of smiles, hugs, kisses, and feistiness. She is kind of a tomboy and isn't afraid of playing hard. All of the responses were given in Spanish so we have translated them and changed the wording around a bit. I will italicize comments from us explaining things that Martina says. Enjoy!
I eat bread and jam for breakfast with juice or sometimes milk. We eat lunch and snacks here at school. Sometimes we have cucumber and tomato salad (which I don't like). Then we have potatoes, vegetables, and rice mixed together. Or at least it's mostly like that. For dessert (Yay!) we have slices of pear, banana, or apple. For dinner, we have something different almost every day. I like pizza and my dad owns a pizza restaurant.
My house is 1 floor and has a yard. My room is by the living room and is full of toys. Our house is yellow and we have a cat named mermelada (spanish for jam) who is my favorite.
My mom makes me clean up my toys and put them away. I have to help clean up the table and put my dishes away.