I believe you should work hard whenever you're in the office, but you can still enjoy your life outside of work.
[How do you structure your days?]
I personally prefer to start my day early, as early as I can. Markets in India usually open at 9 a.m. I prefer to get to work at 8 a.m. so that I can read up on what is happening in the U.S., U.K., Europe and Asia. That way, when the markets open, I am able to share thoughts with clients about views on currencies and different asset classes. The first few hours of the day, generally speaking, are more productive hours. I think as the day goes on, the work takes over. The work dictates the flow of the day.
From personal experience, I would say that the earlier you start, and the harder you work in your initial years, the smarter you invest. When your base becomes strong, you can only take off from there. I see a lot of youngsters not being very clear about what they want to do. You need to have a balanced focus at the right age and right stage of your career. If you are able to put your head down and work hard, that will really help you over the long period.