Dear amazing sixth grade students,
Connecting and sharing my experiences here in India with all of you over these past two months has been a huge highlight of my journey. You have pushed me to engage in new experiences, capture these experiences and reflect on these experiences, and my time in India has definitely been strengthened as a result.
In my journal entry about integrating into the New Delhi community, I wrote, “being open to new experiences and saying ‘yes’ when asked to do something is a great way to integrate into new places.” What I left out is that connecting with you has motivated me to say “yes” much more often. Just knowing that I then get to share this experience with you is what has helped me grow and try new things. Thank you for this. I'm sharing a few photos here that you've seen before of some of those favorite experiences.
When I look at you, I see myself 15 years ago! I'm excited to think that you have so many fun experiences ahead of you, too. My one request is that you continue to be curious and continue to ask such detailed questions. (By the way— in answer to your question— the orange color of the Indian flag is a symbol of courage and sacrifice, the white color represents honesty, peace and purity, and the green color shows the fertility, growth and richness of the land!)
The world is a vast place.