Melbourne is a heavily populated city, meaning a lot of people live there. To minimize traffic and unnecessary carbon emissions (the harmful gases that cars release), the city has many forms of public transportation. Melbourne has buses, trains and the largest tram network in the world! My partner and I purchased a car but I still prefer public transport over driving in the city. It is more convenient, less stressful and just as quick. Read on to find out more about how Melbournians (people from Melbourne) get around!
The most common way of getting around in the city is Melbourne's tram network. Do you know what a tram is? It is an above-ground train. The trams flow throughout the entire city. They run on a simple, timed schedule. There are timetable signs at every stop that let you know when you can expect the next tram. Are your trains always on time?
To get on, you tap your Myki card, a special plastic card that holds your tram money. To get off, you pull a cord which lets the driver know to stop at the next station. There are signs in the tram that help you know when your stop is coming up. The drivers are all very friendly so if you happen to feel lost you can ask them for help.