Recently, my friend and I decided to cover our car in rainbow paint so that we could travel in style. It has already attracted a lot of attention. Whenever we drive past a group of people, at least one of them will point or smile. Still, when we decided to go camping for the weekend, we didn't expect anything out of the ordinary. However, shortly after we arrived at the campground, we were approached by another camper who asked if we could drive our car to their campsite to take pictures with it for their party. They were asking this because the way that our car is painted fits the 1970's theme of the party. We agreed to let them take pictures with our car and they invited us to join the fun. We learned that the group has a themed birthday party at the camp every year. It is a tradition for them. A tradition is something that happens again and again over a long period of time. It is usually started with older members of a group, and the younger people of that group continue it. Traditions can tell a lot about an area. Read on to find out what we learned about Australia through this birthday celebration!