Last week I helped my friend pick research sites in the Namib Desert. In Nama, one of the local languages, Namib means "vast place" or a very large place. Let's learn about this special environment!
The Namib desert is one of the oldest in the world. It is special because it is next to an ocean and is, therefore, called a coastal desert. Few deserts lie next to an ocean. The Namib desert can support certain animals and plants.
It is hard for people to live in the Namib Desert, but this fact makes people strong.The environment reminds people to use water wisely and to respect nature.
There are few plants that provide shade or sources of water, and not a lot of people live in the desert. But in the cities outside of the desert, people have to be careful about using water and managing heat in the summer.
People have been living and adapting to Namibia's deserts for over 11,000 years!