Okonomiyaki & Takoyaki


Some of my favorite foods in Japan are the street food that originated in Osaka. This is a beautiful city that I could spend an hour describing! Anyway, the two dishes I will discuss originated in Osaka, okonomiyaki and takoyaki

What food did I try?:

I tried different kinds of Okonomiyaki (o-ko-no-me-ya-key), which is made with a batter similar to pancake batter, cabbage, different kinds of meat and sometimes cheese. I also tried takoyaki (taco-ya-key), made with similar ingredients but with octopus.

How did I feel when I tried it?:

Okonomiyaki is warm and savory to taste, I have tried multiple versions with different meats, some with cheese, and some without, but all of them feel like they are melting in my mouth. The various types of meat and/or cheese gives the okonomiyaki more flavor and it very filling. It is great to eat in the winter and feels like comfort food.

Takoyaki is similar, but I have to be careful. It's best to eat a single ball in one bite, and they are very hot. I have burned my mouth before just taking a bite. It's best to poke a hole in it to let the steam out before eating. This is why most people eat it with a toothpick. Something that separates takoyaki from okonomiyaki is the chewy octopus filling. In my opinion, that is the best part of okonomoyaki.
