Elsie was born in China and was adopted by my husband's family when she was a baby. She is eleven years old and lives in Farmington, New Hampshire. It's about a seven hour drive from where I live in NYC but we still see each other as often as we can.
Else doesn't alwasy eat breakfast but today she had a Mandarin orange as a snack. For lunch she ate lo mein noodles with soy sauce. These were leftovers from Chinese take-out that her mom packed for her the night before. For dinner she ate more Chinese food - this time open egg rolls over rice. She told me that her favorite meal is soup. Especially one that her mom makes that has Italian sausage and kale and potatoes.
Her house is a log cabin in the woods. It kinda looks like a barn on the side and is on the top of a hill. It has 2 storey's with a basement and an attic, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room and 2 bathrooms.
She feeds the dog, puts away the silverware from the dishwasher, feeds the cat and scoops the litter box. RIght now she is learning how to do laundry.