I will show you all some delicious Spanish food! Get excited!
I tried rabbit! There's a traditional Valencian dish called paella that comes with rabbit and chicken! It's delicious! It tasted just like chicken! Paella is found everywhere in Spain. If you walk outside of my dorm, you can find at least five to six stores that serve paella. Spaniards love their paella.
I enjoyed eating the paella. I eat a lot of rice and chicken at home, so I was familiar with this dish. I also had paella in Morocco before, so I was so happy to eat it again! It's so good, and it's also really cheap here! A meal costs less than $11.00 and they give great portions.
The food is prepared in a special pan called a paellera. First you cook the rice, then you cook the chicken and rabbit, and finally you mix it all together.
This dish is connected to the environment because the paella that we ate consisted of chicken, rabbit, shrimp and squid. Valencia is on the coast, and I live only 15 minutes away from the beach. It's so easy to eat seafood!