Knokke and the Flooding Crisis


The peaceful coastal town of Knokke tells the story of how a town controls its area from flooding, a common priority for many coastal Belgian and Dutch cities. I heard of Knokke through my mother's friend who happens to live in Knokke. Historically, Knokke was a vacation spot for Brussels' inhabitants to get away from the city. Nowadays, Knokke has over 30 thosand citizens living within its boundary. 

What makes this environment special or different?:

This town is on the coast of Belgium, bordering the Netherlands. Before the 12th century, this area was resided in by shepherds and fishermen. The area would suffer from frequent floods, so development was severely hindered. After the 12th centruy, canals and water-pumping systems (in the form of the famous windmills that scatter Belgium and the Netherlands) allowed the formation of a town with a reduced risk of flooding. Like much of the Netherlands, this border town is constantly in a state of flood control. 

What parts of this environment help people to live here?:

The seafood is truly what makes this town thrive. Much of Belgian's traditional cuisine is based on seafood, including moules frites and paling in't groen.
