I had to be very careful to concentrate and constantly remind myself to "keep left" or "look right". Habits were difficult to overcome. For a while, I found myself looking the wrong way when pulling out in front of traffic, even if I had managed to pull into the correct lane!
Funny note: Most cars here are imported by boat from Japan, so the interiors and radio settings are in Japanese. My car has GPS, but it is in Japanese. It has been trying to give me directions since I bought the car, but I cannot turn it off because I don't speak Japanese!
Motorbikes are definitely the most efficient form of transportation here as they don't get held up in the frequent traffic jams. They simply go around all of the cars. Many of these motorbikes also have small cases on the back of the bike for selling fried snacks or fresh fruit. They'll just pick a spot on the side of the road and stand beside their bikes handing out treats for a small charge.
Road hazards are a bit different here to what I'm used to back home. There are very steep ditches for water drainage on the sides of many roads here. These create a serious hazard to cars, so it is important not to get distracted even for a second! There are tons of stray dogs (and a few cats) everywhere. Luckily, most seem to understand that it is best to stay on the sidewalks. But sometimes when a pup swipes a baguette, it has to make a run for it!