It’s crazy that the last week of this journey is coming to an end already. Four months ago, I couldn’t believe that I would be living in a different country with a completely different language for a whole school semester. Four months later, I now cannot believe that I will be leaving a country that I had briefly called home and have come to love. I didn’t realize that while I was studying abroad and learning a new language, I would also be learning more about myself. During my time in Costa Rica, I believe I have matured in a way that is uniquely tied to my experience being abroad. For example, who knew I would be a picky eater and not eat salty rice?!
With that being said, pura vida is a term that you’ll hear often in Costa Rica from people when you walk past them in the streets; while you are shopping; when you meet someone for the first time; or as a phrase to just say in a conversation. The direct translation of pura vida is “simple life”; however, I came to learn that pura vida is a way of life. Being in America, you often feel like you’re rushing through life— always hustling and ready to move on to the next step of your life.