My Daily Life in Costa Rica

Rain is a common occurrence here (it rains at some point every day here) and proper protection is necessary. My rain jacket has kept me dry many times and I have walked through drizzles, as well as downpours and it does the job. These two pieces of clothing/gear are necessary and help me do my job without interruptions.

What do you like to do in your free time?:

In my free time on the weekends, I enjoy going out and exploring the reserves around the area. I am also a wildlife photographer, so I take my camera and telephoto lens out with me and have taken some great pictures of local wildlife. When I am not geeking out over wildlife, I enjoy my downtime reading, playing mobile games on my phone and watching shows on Netflix and Apple TV.

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

I speak English, some Spanish and a little German and Japanese. Being of mixed heritage, I've tried to learn some of the languages associated with my background.

Do you have pets?:

Yes, I have poison dart frogs back at home in the United States that I have had for eight years.

Have you traveled? Where have you traveled to?:

This is the first time that I have traveled out of the country. I can say Costa Rica is a beautiful country with friendly people and lots to see and do. I plan to travel more in the future for work and pleasure.

What do you do for work?:

My job here at the Monteverde Institute is that of a wildlife biologist intern. This means that my schedule here is very busy and I spend 90% of my time outdoors. I work Monday-Friday and my days start at 8:30 a.m.
