A School Day on the Island of Tenerife

Many students go home, but some stay for lunch and to play with their schoolmates. 

Classes change on a day-to-day basis. Most days, the students have classes in math, language, English, science and physical education. They also take classes in social studies, music, religion and emotion a few times each week. Beginning in the fifth grade, students even take French! The classrooms are very similar to ours in the United States. There are 20 - 25 students per class, and the teacher uses a projector and whiteboard for many of their lessons. They also do many projects to consolidate their learning. This week is very special because they are celebrating the Día de Canarias or Canary Day. This holiday is analogous to the Fourth of July in the U.S. The students have been studying the painting, Las Meninas, by Diego Velázquez. This painting is especially important to their culture because it has inspired trajes tradicionales or traditional costumes around the Canary Islands. Students and teachers alike will dress in traditional costumes to celebrate the Canary Islands on May 30th this year! I hope that you enjoyed learning a little bit about the school day around Tenerife. Until next time!
