Island Life - A Look at Kids' Lives in Taco, Spain

The older students walk to school by themselves. They wait outside the gate which opens for the school day at 8:30 a.m. Then, at 1:30 p.m., the gate opens again, and the older students walk home with their friends. The younger students walk to school with their parents. Their parents also wait for them at the gate when the school day ends. A few students get dropped off or picked up by a car, but this is less common.

What are some common kids' names at your school?:

The kids at my school have names typical of the Canary Islands. They are different from names in the United States, but they are all very unique and beautiful. One of the most common names for girls is Leire or Leyre (pronounced Lay-day). Margarita, Amira, Ailana, Paula and Sibisse are also common names for girls. One of the most common names for boys is Leo. Gabriel, Itzel, Pablo, Cristian and Thiago are also common names for boys. Some names sound similar to common names in the United States. Some examples include Nora, Adam, Karen, Dennis, Maya and Alejandro.

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

En nuestra colegio (escuela), hay diez sujetos. Tenemos lenguaje, matemáticas, ciencias, historia, inglés, francés, educación física, arte, música y religión. Mi sujeto favorito es educación física porque es muy divertida. Jugamos juegos como fútbol y kickball. También me gustan las matemáticas porque hacer matemáticas es como hacer un rompecabezas. No me gusta el inglés porque es difícil. Es muy difícil aprender inglés.

What do you like to do after school? Do you have a favorite sport or game?:

Después de la escuela, me gusta ir a casa y jugar videojuegos.
