Island Hopping - Getting Around the Canary Islands

When traveling between islands, people can choose between a ferry and a plane. The Canary Islands has its very own airline called Binter. They also have a ferry line called Fred Olsen. These two options make traveling between islands quick and easy!

How did I feel when I tried this way of getting around?:

This way of getting around was very new to me. I lived in a suburban town all my life and barely took the bus or the train. When I first arrived in Tenerife, I took the tram to school every day and walked the remaining distance. I enjoyed taking the tram because I saw many familiar faces each morning. The tram was also very convenient and easy to get to. When I moved to my apartment in October, I began taking the bus. The bus stop is right outside my apartment building and is almost always empty in the morning. On my way home, however, I usually have to stand and hold on to the rail because the bus is so full! I like the transportation system on the island. I can get anywhere on the island quickly and easily. I even took the ferry once to visit the island of La Gomera, and I hope to take a plane to another island soon!

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

One of the things that I like most about the transportation system in Tenerife is their use of hybrid and electric buses. They call these ecoguaguas, and they are becoming more and more common on the island. Tenerife, as a whole, does an excellent job incorporating renewable energy on the island. In addition, their airline, Binter, uses low-emission planes that are strictly used for low-fuel, short flights. As with the buses, travel between the island is significantly discounted for Canarian residents.
