¡Que Aproveche! (Enjoy Your Meal)

I remember the first time I tried Valencian Paella, it was full of flavor, and the texture of the rice was just right; not too soft and not too firm. 

How is the food prepared?:

The Valencia Paella is sautéd in a big pan with rice, rabbit, chicken, saffron, green beans, and lima beans with vegetable stock.  First, heat up the pan with oil, then, when it's warm, add your pieces of meat. Sauté them over low heat until they are golden, and then add vegetables. Next, when it's fried, add vegetable stock. Then, once it boils, add the rice. On top, they add a spring of rosemary and let it cook. This way, once it's done, it will smell good. 

Is this food connected to the local environment? How?:

Valencia is known for its delicious paella dish. I had the opportunity to visit the rice fields in Albufera and ride a boat. I got to see so many rice fields; the rice is an important ingredient used in paella. The rice that is used is called Bomba rice and is typically grown throughout eastern Spain. Bomba rice can absorb more liquid than any other rice, making it the perfect choice of rice for making of paella

Valencia, Spain
Location Data:
POINT (-0.3762881 39.4699075)
