Italian is the main language spoken in Rome, as in the rest of Italy. I found that English is also very popular, which makes it easy for me to get around.
In Italy, we use the euro, just like in many other parts of Europe. The bills are more colorful than American dollar bills, and there are more different types of coins. The exchange rate is also very similar. Right now, one U.S. dollar is worth .90 euros.
A bottle of water can cost anywhere between 1 and 5 euros In Rome. The closer you are to a popular tourist area, such as the Colosseum, the more expensive the water is. A good tip is to bring your own water bottle, so you can get water from the free water fountains that exist throughout Rome.
For lunch after school, I had a panino con prosciutto e formaggio a latte crudo which means a sandwich with Italian ham and raw cheese. I also had a suppli, which is a fried rice ball with meat sauce and cheese. It was delicious!