Ari is a student at the UQROO, studying to be an English teacher. He is 23 years old and he is from Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo.
Ari Jael Salazar Carbaial
I am from Felipe Carrillo Puerto, but I am studying in Chetumal, so I can say that I live in two places. Here in Chetumal, I rent a room in an apartment complex that is located near the university. It is pretty cozy and works for me. I share the room with a roommate who is also from Felipe Carrillo Puerto, and we have all the necessities (like WiFi, electricity and water) included.
I live with my parents in Felipe Carrillo Puerto when I'm back home. It is definitely big enough for us. It has two floors, a patio and includes all the necessities. On the outside, it is a watermelon color.
In my family, we are six people including me. My father's name is Manuel and my mother's name is Maximina. I have an older brother named Manuel, a sister named Ilse and a younger brother named Jesus. My father is somewhat short, and among the male siblings, we are almost all the same height. My sister and my mom are also short.