My Farewell Journal

I wish that we could have gotten the opportunity to talk longer. You have been there with me through it all! Thank you for all of your awesome questions, being patient with me, and taking the time to learn about my experiences and my story. 

If I could leave you with one important piece of advice, it would be to not be afraid to follow your dreams. I hope you always do things that will make you happy. Even if it's something as small as traveling to somewhere you have always wanted to visit, just go and do it! The only person that can hold you back from doing what you want is yourself. So make sure to believe, love and support yourself. You are your own biggest supporter and fan. I hope that one day you will also travel, and get to share your own experiences and memories that you make with others.  

I'll never forget you, thank you for the memories and laughs!  :) 
