Hello, my name is Melissa Alamo! I was born in Havana, Cuba and I traveled to the United States with my mother in 2001. After arriving in Miami, Florida, I moved to Naples, Florida, where I have lived ever since.
I currently go to school at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. I am a junior, which means I am in my third year of studies. I am studying Human Health with a concentration in Health Innovation at Emory's business school. I am very passionate about the field of public health and I'm always trying to immerse myself in programs and classes that will allow me to learn more. When I graduate from college, I hope to obtain my Master's in Public Health in Health Behavior & Education. In the future, I would love to work with a health agency or international organization that works with women and children, focusing on breastfeeding and access to education.
My dream is to be able to return to my native country of Cuba and help out my people, by using the knowledge and experiences that I have gained to work with the Cuban government. I hope to start more public health initiatives to improve the living conditions of the Cuban people.